Design & Technology
Our Design and Technology curriculum aims to meet the national curriculum and provide children with inspiring, practical, meaningful and memorable experiences. We aim to ensure children are use creativity and imagination and design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. Throughout their time at Clifton children will; design, make, evaluate, gain technical knowledge and acquire skills in cooking and nutrition. Children will learn and build on a range of practical and technical skills, testing their ideas and critiquing and evaluating both their own products and the work of others.
We use resources from KAPOW to support our Design and Technology curriculum which offers a range of exciting units that solve real and relevant problems. There are six key areas that the children will continue to revisit throughout school, through these units, we also learn and apply life skills. Projects are often cross-curricular and support a broad range of subject knowledge, drawing on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. The six themes include: food, mechanical systems, structures and textiles and in KS2 children explore electrical systems and the digital world.
“High- quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation” (The National Curriculum)